I discovered that John Wesley visited Bury - a town noted for Simnel cakes - 7 times first in 1774, the last 1778. The earliest non-conformist chapel opened in 1719 by the Unitarians.
At one time the town boasted of :
Wesleyan Methodist Chapel built in 1815 - now luxury flats
New Connexion Chapel built in 1815
Primitive Methodist Chapel built in 1824
United Methodist Free Church (Brunswick) built in 1837 now demolished
A letter written by John Wesley on 22nd December 1785 to Mr John Hall, giving the Society in Bury consent to sell the old preaching house.
Our Friends from my time at Queens theological college, Michael and Anita Payne came for coffee (lunch, tea and Dinner) and we decided to go to "Ramsbottom" for lunch, we could catch the train but decide to go by car.
It seems that Ramsbottom also have a mouse problem!
The Wesleyan Methodist chapel and school founded in Ramsbottom was opened in July 1825. Subscriptions were collected to erect a new chapel in the 1870s. With the addition of land purchased from Mr and Mrs Cain, the two-story structure was reopened on the same site on 22 October 1874. The Chapel closed in 1999 due to dry rot and today share a new building with the Baptists as an LEP.
The Wesleyan Methodist Church |
We continue to remember and pray for those who need prayer and God's healing presence in Chippenham, asking God to give them His peace, strength and courage, knowing that He is holding them in the palm of his hand....
feeling homesick!!